How to reduce employee truancy
Hi guys!! So, You are one of the employers. You and your company were running well until your employees start getting missing. You were adding a remarkable margin until the problem aroused. So, my dear employers, here are some ways you avoid employee truancy at any cost.
Firstly, let us go with the definition. What is truancy? What is employee truancy? Or also, what is employee absenteeism? Actually, Absenteeism refers to the habitual missing of anything. Truancy is the synonym with Absenteeism. Hence, employee truancy means the regular absence of employees in the office without any good reason. However, the most possible cause of absenteeism may be ongoing personal stuff, chronic health issues, dissatisfaction with the job, or workplace harassment.
No matter whatever the issues are but employee truancy causes a lot of loss to employers. They have to bear a high cost for a single absence in the employee group. It is not in control that employees won’t remain absent for many days. Everyone may have some family problems in their home. Everyone goes out of health track and so on. However, there are some ways you can control and reduce employee truancy. So, only for you here are some tips and suggestions for reducing employee truancy. Direct Job Apply.
How to reduce employee truancy tip number one: Keep your company policy up to date
In order to ensure that every employee follows the rules properly, you must keep your policy perfect and strict. This will help you avoid the employees being absent for no reason. Also, make sure that the policy is well communicated to the whole staff members. This will avoid your employees to make any kind of excuse such as ‘I didn’t know about this’ or ‘Nobody told me about this’. Posting these policies to the company’s intranet is very helpful for hourly employees to know what to do in which situation. Also, posting a policy poster to every employee’s office is another way of communicating policies to employees.
How to reduce employee truancy tip number two: Track your employee’s absence
As a human resource manager or department manager, you ought to be well-trained in tracking employee absence records. Tracking employee’s absence will help you to know the statistics of employees who go over their allowed absence days and which employee exceeds this time frame. Keeping records will help you know which of the employee have what kind of problems. This way either you can help or lessen his/ her work schedule according to requirement. You must be well-trained and know in which situation an employee is considered absent and which is not. Besides, tracking employee’s absence record will guide to take new business decisions and ideas about manipulating your employees.
How to reduce employee truancy tip number three: provide flexibility to work
Providing flexibility in work means giving your employees a chance to balance his/ her home and professional life. Every person has got his own family besides official work and office family. They have to give time to them, too. But what happens is, many of the employees never get time to spend within his/ her family. They are 24/7 busy with their job. This deteriorates their mindset and produces a negative feeling towards the job. So, they start hating and ignoring their job. This creates increases in employee truancy.
Providing flexibility to work gives them enough time and decreases their work pressure. You can do this by giving them fewer working hours, or giving them work schedule options. You can make the working time from 8 to 2 or 10 to 4, anytime but work for 6 hours. This will satisfy your employees, as well as their hard work and commitment will bring good results. So, this way you can reduce employee truancy.
How to reduce employee truancy tip number four: Pay enough
Well, money is a very essential thing in the world, today. So, you ought to pay your employee enough that they can handle their family expenditure. If you don’t pay them correctly enough and in time, they will get passed off and start procrastinating the job. They get being absent in their work finding other opportunities giving less time to their current job. So, to reduce employee truancy, it is far better to pay them better and make them satisfied. Besides, you can provide them festival bonuses, honest working awards, and similar to motivate them.
How to reduce employee truancy tip number five: Provide insurances to employees
This is not the exact way of reducing employee truancy, however, this is an effective way of motivating them. Not all companies provide insurance to all its employees. But if you did, your employees will be happier. Besides, insurance of your employees will secure their future. Moreover, the insurance of your employees will make a good impact on your company in society as well as in the market. Your employees will be happy to work in a reputed place. They will bring more and more good outcomes and margins for your company. So, it is good that you do insurance your employees and make their future better.
How to reduce employee truancy tip number six: Provide extra luxury to some high-level employees
If possible, then you can provide some extra luxury to your managers and assist. Managers. You can provide them office cars for ease of transportation or quarters for residence and also some extra features. Providing these will make you and your manager more motivated. They will start manipulating the employees more correctly. Besides, you may also provide luxuries to small bosses such as sales managers, office in charge, office head, etc. so that they won’t go out of track. Also, they will work honestly making their employees work in the correct order.
So, employers, these are some of the best techniques and method to reduce employee truancy. You know repeated employee truancy can cause you to bear a lot of loss. Therefore, you must always be focused on satisfying your employees and maintaining their discipline in the workplace. Besides, you must hire a perfect person for the job, too.
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