How to write a perfect job application

How to write a perfect job application

How to write a perfect job application

Table of Contents

Writing a perfect job application letter is a huge challenge for many of the jobseekers. If you are also one of them then you must read this article so that you could be able to write the perfect job application. The job application is the first impression of yourself to your boss ns increases your chance for selection. So, as you know, first impression is the last impression, you want that first impression be ever-lasting to your boss. So here are the tips and procedure to write a perfect job application letter. How to write a perfect job application.

  1. Subject line: A subject line is the reason for which you have written the application. It includes why and for what purpose you have written the application. So, a subject line must be catchy i.e. short and meaningful and to the point. It must include for which job you are applying for. Some perfect examples of it are
  2. ‘Job application for the post of a science teacher for secondary level’
  3. ’Job application for the role of sales manager

People make mistakes like below and this should be avoided in all circumstances.

  1. ‘Application for job’
  2. ‘Hope of a job in your company’

These are the blunders and really make very bad impression.

  1. Salutation: Not only in a job application, but in every kind of letters salutation is required. In case of job Application letters, it is suitable to start with respectable or honorable rather than dear sir/ ma’am so that the person reading this letter would get an immense feeling of respect and loyalty from you. And again, instead of writing sir/ma’am it is better to write the name of the person whom you are going to write the letter. This will add a personal touch to the message. How to write a perfect job application.

Example:Respectable/ honorable Mr. / Ms./ Mrs. (last name)

  1. Introduction: Introduction is the first paragraph body part. Here you have to mention the reference from where did you found the news about the job vacancy. You should also mention the job role you are interested in. You can start by

Recently I found the job vacancy posted on (reference name) for the role of (job name). How to write a perfect job application.

If you have found the new from a person then you have to write his/ her name in the reference name and designation but be sure to take his/ her permission before writing. How to write a perfect job application.

  1. Second paragraph: This is the main part and the pitch to hit out of the boundary i.e. the maximum chance of getting selected comes from this section. Here you have to highlight your qualification, skills, experience, achievements and the key words that will grab the attention of the reader and convince them that no one is better than you for this job. You need not to write your whole CV but be sure to highlight your main key feature that reader finds the most important for the job.

Example: I have completed my engineering from (institute name) and worked as a senior developer for 4 years in (company name). with my knowledge and experience, I am the perfect match for this job and really can add value to your business.

Also mention what makes you enthusiast and excites you the most from the job.

Example:The challenges and the problem that this job offers really excites me in finding the solution and face them. I am sure to give my best efforts with the help of the best team at (company name where you are writing the letter). How to write a perfect job application.

Also do not forget to mention your achievements you got in your career. You can also add links to your social media profile or attach a resume, work samples and CV. But make sure your social media profiles look like a professional. How to write a perfect job application.

  1. Closing Paragraph: End the letter with your contact such as an email or phone number. Express as if you are too eager to meet and discuss the job further and a positive hope message.

Example: If you find my profile suitable, please feel free to get in touch through email and other contact details mentioned below. I would be glad for coming in the interview. Hoping for a positive response. (or ever you can write Thanks in advanced). Now finally end it with

Best regards



Tips and Tricks

  1. Keep the letter short and sweet: You must always keep your application short and sweet. A long application letter annoys the reader and lessens the chances of getting selected.
  2. Apply early: If you apply early, you may have the better chance to grab the attention of the recruiter.
  3. Check for mistakes:Never let the letter have any mistakes. Always proofread for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  4. Use professional email address: Make sure that your email address sounds professional.

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